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ADMIN: TECHWR-L Administrivia
ADMIN: TECHWR-L Administrivia
Eric Ray <ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com>
techwr-l <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 16:53:11 -0700
Just a reminder...these have been fairly extensively revised,
so you might read through and file this info--discard any older
ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com
TECHWR-L Listowner
Revised 28 November 1999
SUMMARY: You can do everything you need to do and find anything
you need to know about TECHWR-L by visiting (and bookmarking)
Q: What's the best way to change my subscription options,
change my address, subscribe, unsubscribe, or even read
messages on TECHWR-L?
A: Use the Web interface at:
(Bookmark it for easy reference.)
Q: I want to unsubscribe from the list but don't want to
visit the Web site, look up these instructions, read the
FAQ or anything. I just want to send the listowner an email
and have him do it. What will he say?
A: The listowner will tell you to read the last three lines of
any message (other than the Announcement posting) sent to the
list. He'll ask you if you've followed the instructions on the
line that starts with "To unsubscribe...". He'll ask what error
messages you received when you tried following those
instructions. Then, he'll suggest gently that, as you managed
to subscribe on your own and on purpose, you can probably
sign off in the same manner. So, try that first.
Q: I would rather read TECHWR-L through a newsgroup. Is this
A: Absolutely! The bit.listserv.techwr-l newsgroup (widely
distributed throughout the Internet) is a mirror of this
list. Alternatively, you can now access a private newsgroup
from news://lists.raycomm.com/techwr-l (which is a spam-free
TECHWR-L mirror).
Q: I would like to use a Web browser to read TECHWR-L. Can I?
You can read TECHWR-L through the archive address at
To post, you'll have to subscribe and use the
"SET TECHWR-L NOMAIL" command, as described above.
Q: I'd like to learn more about the list, find topic summaries,
and get all-in-one-spot access to instructions, rules, and
related information about TECHWR-L. Where should I go?
A: Find all of this information and more at the Official
TECHWR-L Web Site at http://www.raycomm.com/techwhirl/
Q: Who is the listowner and how do I contact him?
A: Eric Ray is the owner (that's me), and my address is
Q: Why am I having trouble posting to the list?
A: Due to problems with spamming, the TECHWR-L list
is restricted. Only subscribers to the list can
post. If you are a subscriber but your E-mail address
(as shown on your outgoing messages) has changed, you'll
have problems. Contact the list owner with your old
and current addresses. (Note: There's no point in getting
surly -- subscription and verification of your identity
both take place automatically via the listserv. If, as is
highly likely, your address changed without your knowledge,
your local system administrators are the only ones to yell
Q: Why did my message bounce back from Compuserve (or AOL or
any other address besides something @lists.raycomm.com)?
A: You post an article. You get a bounce message a few minutes
later. You swear, "Rats, it didn't work." You post again.
Trouble is, you can get a bounce message because there's one
bad address on the subscriber list (someone who didn't
unsubscribe before losing an account, for instance). The
bounce message generally tells you that, if read carefully--
or you could just wait and see if your article shows up.
So, before reposting a "bounced" article, please be sure
it was truly bounced from the whole list and not just
undeliverable to a single addressee. Contact the listowner
before reposting if you have any doubt. (Thanks to Stan
Brown for this one. EJR)
Q: I tried to post a message and had it returned to me with
a rejection message about attachments or HTML or something.
What's going on, and what should I do?
A: The list processing software is set to reject all HTML-formatted
messages as well as all attachments. Additionally, messages
containing more than 30 consecutive quoted lines will also be
returned. These limits exist to keep attachments from polluting
the list (they show up as garbage for most readers, and can
spread viruses and the like when they don't end up as garbage)
and to discourage wholesale quotations--like including the
entire digest for a one liner comment.
Q: Where can I find FAQs and other information about TECHWR-L
and about technical communication in general?
A: At the Official TECHWR-L Web site, which you'll find at
http://www.raycomm.com/techwhirl/. You'll also find the
latest information about the list, links to archives, and
a ton of other information.
Q: Are archives for TECHWR-L available on the Web and how do I get
Q: Dear Listowner, I inadvertently deleted some Techwhirl messages
and need them back. Could you please send me....
A: TECHWR-L archives are available through the Web at
http://www.raycomm.com/archives/techwr-l.html and at
and at http://www.deja.com/ and http://www.reference.com/
and probably other places.
Q: Why is it that you let other people post off-topic stuff, but
then you remind me about what the posting guidelines are? If
they can do it, I can do it!
A: The listowner does not generally moderate this list. That is,
everything sent to the list appears on the list. Phrased
differently, the listowner cannot exercise any control over
what other people post, but probably reminded them about the
posting guidelines as well.
Q: Who is responsible for the information posted to the
list, and who controls what gets posted?
A: The listowner and RayComm, Inc., are not
responsible for anything posted to the list. The list is public
and unmoderated, so people who choose to post claim full
responsibility for anything posted under their respective
addresses and userids. The POSTMASTER@<whatever the address is>
is the only other person with any control over individual
postings from any userid.
Q: I have a message that would interest many of the subscribers,
but don't want to post it to the whole list. Can I just get the
list of subscribers and send it myself, or at least send
selectively to many subscribers?
A: If you take addresses of TECHWR-L subscribers and misuse them
in any way and I find out, I'll permanently remove you from the
list and do everything in my power to get your email access
suspended by your employer or ISP. (I've always been successful
in the past.)
Q: What is STC and how do I contact them?
A: STC is the Society for Technical Communication, and is
main professional organization for technical
and scientific communicators. Any questions, comments
or suggestions for STC should go to:
Society for Technical Communication
901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 904
Arlington VA 22203-1854
membership -at- stc-va -dot- org
http://www.stc-va.org or http://www.stc.org/
Q: How do STC and TECHWR-L relate?
A: They don't officially. Many STC members are on the list,
but most aren't. Many list subscribers are STC members,
but many aren't.
Q: Where do I send additions, corrections, and comments about
this posting?
A: To Eric, the listowner, of course. EJRAY -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
(Listowner recommendation: Use the Web interface at
rather than using email to manage your subscription--it's
more flexible and more powerful.)
Q: How do I subscribe to TECHWR-L?
A: Send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
SUB TECHWR-L first_name last_name
For example:
Q: How do I unsubscribe?
A: Send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: How do I post messages to the TECHWR-L list?
A: Send a message to:
Q: What are digests and how do I get them?
A: Digests are daily mailings which include all
postings to TECHWR-L from the last 24 hours. These
are unedited, and unmoderated--they just give you
one big message instead of many little ones.
To get digests (assuming you are a subscriber),
send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Put anything on the subject line, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: My digests are coming through as lots of little attachments
rather than a single longer file--can I fix it?
A: Usually you can fix that--although it depends to an extent
on your email system. Try sending a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Put anything on the subject line, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: My digests are coming through as a single long file
but I'd rather have a bunch of little attachments. Can
I change it?
A: Depending on your mail system, you might be able to change it.
Try sending a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: I want to stop my mail or digest, but I don't want to
unsubscribe because I hate that confirmation process.
What do I do?
A: To stop your mail or digest (assuming you are a subscriber),
send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: I stopped my mail using NOMAIL, and now I want regular mail.
What do I do?
A: To change back to regular mail,
send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
Q: I got digests, and now I want regular mail. What do
I do?
A: To change from digests back to regular mail,
send a message to:
LYRIS -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
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