ADMIN: Posting Rules Reminder (he/she and other stuff)

Subject: ADMIN: Posting Rules Reminder (he/she and other stuff)
From: Eric Ray <ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com>
To: techwr-l <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 18:53:19 -0700

The he/she issue seems to have veered into the irrelevant--it's
sounding like other religious wars (Mac/PC or Word/Frame, for
example). Let's take it offline and return to technical
communication issues, rather than stylistic questions and
discussions that are unlikely to enlighten or persuade.
Please review the rules below.

Revised 2 September 1999

I strongly encourage everyone to read and understand these
rules before posting to TECHWR-L. Any list member may
be removed from the list, at the listowner's discretion,
for flagrant or repeated infractions. Additionally, if
you are abusive to the listowner or other list members,
you may be removed from the list.

CHECK THE ARCHIVES BEFORE POSTING! Archives are available at and at
and at and at

* If it is about technical communication and of general
interest, post it.
* If it is about technical communication and original and
humorous, post it.

* If it doesn't clearly and directly relate to technical
communication, don't post it.
* If it relates to _language use_ but not technical
communication, it probably isn't appropriate.
Don't post it.
* If it relates to _computer use_ but not technical
communication, it probably isn't appropriate.
Don't post it.
* If it continues an irrelevant thread in any way
(rebuttal, rebuke, rerun, revision, remark), don't
post it.
* If it is a personal message to a single subscriber,
don't post it. Even if mail to that person bounces.
* If you aren't sure, don't post it.
* If it is a test message, do not post it. Ever. Contact
the listowner if you have problems posting or with your
subscription, or send a test message to
techwr-l-test -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com to check your mail settings.
* If it's a job ad or other ad, don't post it--send it to
ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com for inclusion in the daily ad posting.
* If it is something cute, interesting, or funny that
you found on the Internet (e.g. Dr. Seuss on Tech
Writing, origin of spam), don't post it. I assure
you that most readers have seen it already.

* Check your facts on anything you post. Do not under
any circumstances post virus warnings or anything else
designed to be "forwarded to everyone you know" to this
* Do not directly attack anyone for anything on the list.
Take issue with ideas, not personalities, and do
NOT point out grammatical, spelling, or usage errors.
This forum is not the place to exercise editorial
* Edit all unnecessary quoted messages and TECHWR-L footers
out of your postings, and make sure that you send only
plain text messages and no attachments to the list.
* Please do not post ads in any form. Send job ads and
other ads to announce to ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com for inclusion
in the daily ad posting.
* Please make sure your E-mail address is included in
the body of the message you post to the list.
* If responses are sent to you--not to the whole list--please
summarize and post the entire summary back to the list.
A summary should include attributions so others can pick
up conversations offline if necessary with original posters.
When you send a summary back to the list, use the word
"SUMMARY" as the first word of the "Subject" line."
* Direct all commentary about this message to my
address, not the list.

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