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Subject:Re: Milestones and Microsoft Project et al.: From:JimGroark -at- aol -dot- com To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com Date:Wed, 22 Dec 1999 08:08:30 EST
How much efficiency would you say is lost in having to do two extra
keystrokes ("save as" as opposed to "save")? OBTW, it's .MPP, not
".MMP" for Microsoft Project native format.
Also, why is it when I searched the AEC Software Web site ( for
which you provided the URL), I could find no reference to a
product called "Inspiration"?
Jim Groark
Subject: Re: Milestones and Microsoft Project et al.:
From: "Joe" <jsokohl -at- eudoramail -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 07:09:26 -0800
X-Message-Number: 25
Inspiration has a good reputation, and it works on both Wintel and
Macintosh platforms. see
Unfortunately, MS Project and Milestones (and its subproduct, Simplicity),
only work on Wintel platforms. Also, although Milestones & Inspiration
can create .mpx transfer files, they can't import .mmp (Project-native
files). This means the person who is using MS Project must take the extra
step to save the file in .mpx format...something that hinders both
efficiency and usability....
Just my thoughts,
Joe Sokohl