Re: Redefining the "Normal" style is MS Word

Subject: Re: Redefining the "Normal" style is MS Word
From: "T. Word Smith" <techwordsmith -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:31:41 -0700 (PDT)

You can, but I would not mess with Normal. I had an
experience several years and versions ago where a MS
Word developer (the nth and terminal stage of a
support request) said the product was not designed for
a large amount of customization. Besides that, it's
too easy for a template on a host machine to overwrite
any customizations you do to Normal.
I created a template for some folks last year and
created custom buttons for a toolbar, so they could
select styles from buttons and did not have to go
hunting. Consider the custom button approach.

--- Amelia DeLoach <deloaa -at- yahoo -dot- com> wrote:
> I've made a few changes to the Normal style in a MS
> Word template but know that, based on historical
> posts
> to this list, this is typically not a good idea.


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Redefining the "Normal" style is MS Word: From: Amelia DeLoach

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