Re: Interactive Multimedia

Subject: Re: Interactive Multimedia
From: Michael McClatchey <mmm -at- AISINC -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 10:19:51 -0500

Larry Kunz wrote (among other things):
>Many larger companies
>will, as you say, hire out the computer graphics, the videography,
>and so forth. But that doesn't diminish the need for people who are
>good at such things -- or the opportunities available to them. They
>just won't be as valuable as people who can take the "big picture"
>approach and coordinate a multimedia project from start to finish.

And for smaller companies, people who can take the "big picture" approach AND
do the video, computer graphics, animation and writing are an asset.

Or at least that's what I'm telling Management...8^)


Michael McClatchey mmm -at- aisinc -dot- com
Marketing Communications
Applied Intelligent Systems, Inc. (opinions expressed are not necessarily
110 Parkland Plaza those of my employer)
313-995-2035 / FAX 313-995-2138
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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