There's gotta be a better name for this field

Subject: There's gotta be a better name for this field
From: Linda Castellani <linda -at- GRIC -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:53:50 -0700

Ack! I'm hoping you can help me.

I'm documenting a function that defines charges and credits. There are
four fields on this screen, three of which are astoundingly vague. I made
acceptible suggestions for two of them, but am at a stalemate with the
developers on the third. The field is currently called "Label." It is
followed by a field called "Description."

There seems to be a consensus that the field contains whatever prints on
the invoice next to the charge or credit. But they say it can't be called
"Invoice Text" or the like because the charge or credit might also appear
somewhere else, not just on the invoice. There is also a consensus that
what the field is for is to enter a short (50 character) version of what
appears in the longer (255 character) description field. (Don't ask me
why; seems kinda silly to me.) So, I've been given two choices: I can
either agree to leave it at "Label" or it can be changed to "Short
Description." I am not happy with either of these, but those are my only
choices, unless I come up with something better. This is the time when I
wish I had fellow tech writers to brainstorm with, but since I don't, I'm
hoping that you foks can help. What's a better name for this field?
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Linda Castellani
Technical Writer
GRIC Communications, Inc.
1421 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035

408.955.1968 - fax

linda -at- gric -dot- com

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